Editing is an Art

By Katie Jackson – April 23, 2020

Good editing, like good writing, is an art.

It is not simply about proper comma placement or catching a typo. It’s so much more complicated than that. Professional editors are constantly improving and learning to master their craft. And, as all artists know, it requires time and dedication. Not dedication to unrealistic perfection, but to excellence.

As the saying goes, “fast, cheap, or good; pick two.”

When you pay an editor, you are paying for their years of experience, dedicated to sharpening their skill and immersing themselves in their niche, so that your finished product is of the highest possible quality. Will you get the best quality if your editor skims over your document? Not likely. Nor would you want them to. You’ve agonized over that manuscript. You deserve your editor’s undivided attention to every detail. Those self-proclaimed editors who are in it for a quick buck only make an acceptable hourly rate by rushing through your project and moving on to the next one. Their exceedingly low rates reflect their need for high volume and almost certainly a higher error rate. A professional editor may charge more, but the timeless value they add to your project with the extreme care they take is more than worth the fair rate they charge for the time and effort they invest to get it absolutely right. Experienced editors also recognize the importance of leaving their authors better than they found them, creating a style sheet and comprehensive editorial report that will serve as an encouraging learning resource to reference repeatedly as you hone your writing craft.

So how do you identify the professional editor who’s right for you?

Ask yourself these questions: are they affiliated with professional editorial organizations? Do they participate in continuing education? Do they have testimonials from authors in your genre? If you can answer yes to all of these questions, you may have found your pre-publication partner. An editor who invests in their business through membership dues and education is far more likely to be passionate about their vocation, and you will benefit from their commitment. An editor, who knows your genre as well as you do, will further enhance your work by providing meaningful feedback.

Your book is your legacy.

Choose to partner with a skilled editor who masters their craft like an artist.

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